PORT PRODUCTIVITY IS GENERALLY EVALUATED BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CONTAINER MOVES PER HOUR. When comparing the first half of this year’s performance to 2017’s, there has been a 4% decrease in port productivity, which means vessels spent 70,000 extra hours in ports earlier this year. Each additional hour a vessel spends in a port could cost approximately $2,500. With 70,000 extra hours during the first-half of 2018, the growing size of vessels calling ports, the number of containers being exchanged with each port call, and the idle vessel fleet being at a low-point for 2018, the additional costs for the logistics industry could total more than $175 million. Terminals are limited in their capacity to handle larger vessels. Physically adding more cranes may not be possible, or may be highly-challenging, for some terminals. To increase productivity, terminals must focus on and consider alternative solutions. DIGITIZATION IS ONE KEY SOLUTION THAT COULD HELP IMPROVE COLLABORATION AN...