Changing the Destination After the Cargo Has Sailed

Let’s face it – things don’t always go as planned. There are countless steps that occur between moving your cargo from point A to point B, which means there are countless things that can go awry. If you have made it past some of the main check points – the product has a buyer, the space is reserved on the vessel, AES has been filed, equipment was available, all containers have been pulled, filled, and returned to the port by the cargo cut-off, documentation has been submitted by the docs cut-off, and the vessel has sailed with all containers confirmed on board – you may wonder: What could possibly go wrong at this point? CARGO HAS BEEN SHIPPED TO THE WRONG DESTINATION. After the minor heart-attack caused by the realization that your shipment of kangaroo food is on its way to Malaga, Spain instead of Malaga, Australia, your next step will be to request a Change of Destination (COD) or Diversion. A COD or Diversion is the act of altering the destination port, or final destination cit...